List of Articles خرید مجدد آنلاین Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Explaining the causal factors of online repurchase intention in chain stores mahdi barehmoghadam Hossein Hakimpour Mehdi Mahmoodzadeh Mohammad Mohammadi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Presenting an integrated model of online repurchase intention in chain stores using the multi-ground theory method mehdi berah moghadam Hossein Hakimpour Mehdi Mahmoodzadeh Mohammad Mohammadi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - presenting the Social model of factors affecting of online repurchase intention considering the role of pre-purchase and post-purchase factors Afshin Rahnama Gharehanbiglou کریم حمدی حمیدرضا سعیدنیا مهدی ایران نژاد پاریزی