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        1 - The Elite's Veil in Spiritual Behavior Based on Literary and Gnostic Books
        Abbas Borna Farahnaz Mohammad Vand
        Abstract         Since the man's pure spirit kept distance from God's immense and pure garden, and was imprisoned in materialistic and world's cage, it constantly groans as a result of that separation and scrambles to raise all obstac More
        Abstract         Since the man's pure spirit kept distance from God's immense and pure garden, and was imprisoned in materialistic and world's cage, it constantly groans as a result of that separation and scrambles to raise all obstacles of light and darkness that has accepted through passing materialistic and physical worlds and paves the way for God's attainment. In dark veils such as greed, lust, duplicity, etc. individuals and groups are unanimous in their prevention and there is no ambiguity in it. Sufficient condition for removing these types of veils are disciple's asceticism and diligence. The light veils that individuals usually deal with them and at first they do not think of them as veil and obstacle and in their opinion they also go through it directly. They even imagine it as a cause of improvement. They do not know each light for light itself is counted lighter than the veil and the disciple being satisfied with one light gets deprived of other lights. Veils such as excessiveness in worship and obedience, excessiveness in spiritual journey, imagination of God's attainment, expecting reward for worship, etc contrary to talk veils, to remove these types of veils, we need divine dispensation in addition to disciple's diligence. It is being tried, in this paper, to explain several examples of different types of light veils and their difference with dark veils and to get familiar with the quality of prevention of these spiritual veils.   Manuscript profile