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        1 - حل دستگاه ازن مرتبه دوم ویژه توسط OHAM
        صادق پورجعفر زینب آیتی محمود شفیعی
        سیانوباکتری ها (جلبک های سبز- آبی) مانند میکروسیستین، ندولارین ها ، ساکسی توکسین ها، آناتوکسین ها و سیلندروسپرموپسین  عامل بیماری های خطرناک از طریق آب آشامیدنی هستند. یکی از این سموم میکروسیستین – ال آر است که وجود مقدار کمی از آن در آب آشامیدنی منجر به آسیب More
        سیانوباکتری ها (جلبک های سبز- آبی) مانند میکروسیستین، ندولارین ها ، ساکسی توکسین ها، آناتوکسین ها و سیلندروسپرموپسین  عامل بیماری های خطرناک از طریق آب آشامیدنی هستند. یکی از این سموم میکروسیستین – ال آر است که وجود مقدار کمی از آن در آب آشامیدنی منجر به آسیب کبدی و سرطان شده، همچنین باعث صرف هزینه های بالای اجتماعی و بهداشتی می گردد. هر چند که سیانوباکتری ها در مقابل مواد ضد عفونی مقاوم هستند، اما نشان داده شده که ازن قابلیت بالایی در سم زدائی سیانوباکتری ها دارد. ازن محلول در آب به طور همزمان باعث ضد عفونی بیشتر و اکسیداسیون با OH رادیکال می گردد. در این مقاله، جواب دستگاه تجزیه مرتبۀ دوم ازن با OH رادیکال و میکروسیستین – ال آر بدون مواد آلی محلول (DOC) به دست آمد. نتیجه اینکه با کمترین هزینه و زمان، می توان با این مشکل مبارزه نمود. دستگاه دیفرانسیل مربوطه به روش هموتوپی مجانبی بهینه حل شد و نتایج حاصل با شکل بیان گردید. نشان داده شد که با مقدار کمی ازن و زمانی اندک، می توان مقدار زیادی از میکروسیستین – ال آر را صفر نمود. به این منظور اسیدیتۀ 2 ، 4 و 7 در حرارت 10 ، 20 و 30 درجۀ سانتیگراد بررسی گردید. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Using Of Method Ozonetion for Mineral Water treatment
        Hassan Zhian
        Mineral water and drinking water are one of thevital and immediate needs for human beings.Depending age and weather, everybody needsabout one to two liters. The origin of %80 ofhuman diseases are unavailability of healthywater.%75 percent of people in developingcountrie More
        Mineral water and drinking water are one of thevital and immediate needs for human beings.Depending age and weather, everybody needsabout one to two liters. The origin of %80 ofhuman diseases are unavailability of healthywater.%75 percent of people in developingcountries are deprived of facilities for water.Actually , healthy water scarce and expensive.Pollutions descend quality of water by changingit physically, chemically and biologically.Someof the pollutions are decadence and can bedecreased easily, like human, animal andagricultural drainages.Some of the pollutionsare undecadence , like polop and Mercury, andplastices that we should reduce them in water.In this reseach two samples of mineral waterfound in northern Mahabad, west Azarbaigan,with hardness of 42 , 36 mg/l(CaCo3) areinvestigated. Then, different amount of Ozonegas is injection in to mineral water and biologicaland chemical changes probed.The used Ozonator can produce 25 mg Ozoneper hour.We used iodometry method in order todetermine amount of ozone gas . In injection of1.25 mg/l we have done complete removal ofdiatomaceae in sample (1) and up to 99 percentin sample (2). Both had complete removal ofchlorophyceae in 1.1 mg/l complete remove ofBOD5 sample 1 in 1.1 mg/l Ozone and sample 2in 1 mg / lit ozone are produced.We had 65 percent reduction of COD for injectionof 1.2 my Ozone for sample (1) and 68 percent forsample (2).Complete disinfection is done in both by 0.5 mgper liter.In this method agreeable water is achievedbecause no chemical is used and we don’t need toprovide chemical substance . So, we can introduceOzonetion the best method for water treatment . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Using of method Ozonetion filtration mineral water
        hassan jian
        Mineral water and drinking water are one of thevital and immediate needs for human beings.Depending age and weather, everybody needsabout one to two liters. The origin of 80% ofhuman diseases is unavailability of healthywater,75%percentofpeople in developingcountriesare More
        Mineral water and drinking water are one of thevital and immediate needs for human beings.Depending age and weather, everybody needsabout one to two liters. The origin of 80% ofhuman diseases is unavailability of healthywater,75%percentofpeople in developingcountriesare deprived of facilities for water.Actually, healthywater scarce and expensive. Pollutions descend thequality of water by changing it physically,chemically and biologically .Some of the pollutionsare decadence and can be decreased easily, likehuman, animal and agricultural drainages.Someof the pollutions are undecadence , like polop andMercury, and plastices. That we should reducethem in water,In this reseach two samples of mineral waterfound in northern Mahabad, west Azarbaigan, withhardness of 36 , 42 mg/l(CaCo3) are investigated.Then, different amount of Ozone gas is injectionin to mineral water and biological and chemicalchanges probed.The used Ozonator can produce 25 mg Ozoneper hourTo determine the amount of Ozone gaswe used iodometry method. In injection of 1.25mg/1 we going complete removal of diatomaceaein sample (1) and up to 99 percent in sample (2).Both had complete removal of chlorophyceae in1.1 mg/1 complete remove of BOD5 sample 1 in1.1 mg/1 Ozone and in sample in are my Ozone.We had 65 percent reduction of COD for injectionof 1.2 my Ozone for sample (1) and 68 percent forsample (2).Complete disinfection is done in both by 0.5 mgper liter.In this method agreeable water is achievedbecause no chemical is used and we don’t need toprovide chemicals. So, we can introduce Ozonetionthe best method forfiltertion water.Key words: Ozonetion, filtertion, Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Treatment of dairy effluent by ozonation: Design of experiments by response surface methodology
        Ali Mehrizad Akbar Hajipour Fahimeh Derakhshanfard Leila Amirkhany
        Dairy industries are one of the major sectors consuming huge amounts of water converting into effluents during various processes. Dairy effluents contain complex organic matters which are not easily degraded by simple methods. Hence, dexterous and effective techniques a More
        Dairy industries are one of the major sectors consuming huge amounts of water converting into effluents during various processes. Dairy effluents contain complex organic matters which are not easily degraded by simple methods. Hence, dexterous and effective techniques are required to treat these types of wastewater. In this regard, advanced oxidation processes like ozonation are an emergent approach to ameliorate the wastewater treatments. Ozone (O3) is a powerful oxidizer, and the strong electrophilic nature of O3 enables it to react with various organic compounds. In the ozonation process (OP), the reaction between O3 and pollutants can be explained by direct or indirect reactions, i.e. through the reaction with O3 or decomposition of O3 molecules and formation of hydroxyl radicals (°OH).The Box-Behnken method based on RSM was employed in the planning stage of the experimental approach, and the results indicated that under optimal conditions, the maximum CODr efficiency of 55.95% was obtained that was verified experimentally. Manuscript profile