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        1 - Feminism in the collection of "The Tent of Night" by Mohammad Sadeq Chubak
        najmah hashemi Ali Reza Shabanloo Abdul Hussein Farzad
        Feminism as a social movement, on the one hand, is rooted in the new Western perspective on man and man's definition, on the other hand, invasion of the honor, dignity and rights of women after the Renaissance, especially in the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries. Iran' More
        Feminism as a social movement, on the one hand, is rooted in the new Western perspective on man and man's definition, on the other hand, invasion of the honor, dignity and rights of women after the Renaissance, especially in the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries. Iran's relationship with the Western world and their familiarity with the different cultural and social status of women in Europe and the United States, and the creation of intellectual views on women, provided the most important areas for the formation of the feminism in Iran. The authors of the course in search for uncover the fact that the situation of women in society was something different from that of the European women, and the image of the life and position of European and Western women was more like a dream than reality. Mohammad SadeghChubak, as the writer of that time, instead of paying attention to the world of extreme or slow-moving idealist feminists, spoke to the realities of society and depicted the real status of women. Women of his stories are women of an intellectually educated, or they are not sensitive posts and positions, but are real and belo women to the middle and lower middle class of society, who often have to live in a lord's house to provide their own living needs, or in a dressing room Stuffs and Dead saltines houses and brothels make up for a small amount of income every tricks. Manuscript profile