List of Articles interpretation" Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Reviewing and criticizing the exegetical approach of Sheikh Mohammad Karami in analyzing the components of social interpretation of the Qur'an (with an emphasis on the book of tafsir of Lektab Allah Al-Munir( mina shamkhi Ali Sharifi SeiedYousef Mahfouzi Musavi 10.30495/qsf.2023.1974286.2949 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Analysis formalism theory of Jamal al-din Ghasemi in the interpretation of the Mahasen-altavil (Case study: Attributes of God) . kobra Heidari Keyvan Ehsani Ali Hasanbagi kobra Heidari 10.30495/qsf.2023.1980354.2990 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - A Study of Interactive Contracts in Nasfi Interpretation in Comparison with the Translation of the Discovery of Mysteries Based on Norman Fairclough Theory tayebeh ebrahomy shahr abad saber emami farhad tahmasbi 10.30495/farsij.2022.1946071.1574