List of Articles copper industry Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Energy Carrier Consumption Optimization Policy in National Iranian Copper Industries Company (Case Study: Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex) Mohammad Reza Fathi Adel Azar Gholam Reza Jandaghi shirin ranjebartotoyy babak azari reza mortazaii 10.30495/ijpa.2022.66769.10866 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Biological Treatment Acid Mine Drainage of Copper Mine of Sarcheshmeh Industry through SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactors) System Reza Marandi Mohammad Javad Ebranimi Zarandi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Investigating the Effect of Knowledge Management on the Efficiency of Human Resources through the Mediating Variable of Risk management: A Study in the Country's Copper Industry mina sadeghzadeh Hossein Adab Mohammad Ali Keramati Zabihollah Hashemi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Evaluating the service quality of e-learning systems and its impact on learners' satisfaction, case study: Iran's National Copper Industries Company سعید هداوند Ali Tagipoor Zahir Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Analyzing the Components of Resource Utilization with a Risk Management Approach: A Grounded theory Research Mina Sadeghzadeh Hossein Adab Mohammadali Keramati Zabiholah Hashemi 10.71572/msds.2024.1103306