List of Articles Wax Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - The effect of baking powder micro-encapsulated carnauba wax on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of chicken coated with tempura powder during the storage period A. Khosronia A. Jafarpour Gh. Asadi S. M. Seyedin Ardebili Sh. Yousefi 10.30495/jftn.2023.73778.11260 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Inhibitory effects of non-chemical agents on Penicillium expansum and other decay fungi in apple Tahmineh Naeem Abadi Mansoureh Keshavarzi Majid Hashemi Hossain Mirdehghan Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - The Study of the Effectiveness of a Mixture of Arnebia Euochroma and Gum Extract in Animal Oils and Comparing It with Honey in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Ali Sharifi Elham Shafiei Morteza Hoseinzadeh 10.22034/jchr.2019.666336 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Effects of Packaging and Application of Oily Covers on Shelf Life of Cucumber and Bell Pepper Fruits behfar Modares لیلا اصلانی Aliakbar Ramin Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Effect of comb wax age on brood performance or population of honey bee, Apis melifera Abolfazl Asadi Dizaji naser Maheri Sis ahad Shaddel Tili abolfazl Aghajanzadeh Golshani