List of Articles Trachea Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Prevalence of Singamus Trachea in native poultry in Babol city Jafar Hossienzadeh Mohammad Reza Youssefi Youssefi abdulhani shojaee Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Effect of the HydroAlcoholic Extract of Berberis Integerrima on the Basic Tension of Isolated Tracheal Smooth Muscle and the Interaction of its Effect on the Adrenergic Eystem Mahya sadat Afrazian Aminolah Bahaodini Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Investigating the effect of intelligent alloy material properties on the performance of stents used in human trachea using FEM Hamidreza Mortazavy Beni 10.30495/jnm.2024.33507.2044