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        1 - Examining the Indicators of Lyrical Literature in the Ritual Poems of Malek Osh-Shoarai Bahar
        Shabnam Karimshahi Malayeri reza sadeghi shahpar Hojatolah Ghmoniri
        Predominance of the poet’s emotions has made Ritual poetry one of the most significant types of lyrical literature; accordingly, most of the form and content indicators of lyrical literature are used in its substance. This research aims to investigate and explain More
        Predominance of the poet’s emotions has made Ritual poetry one of the most significant types of lyrical literature; accordingly, most of the form and content indicators of lyrical literature are used in its substance. This research aims to investigate and explain the reflection of the features of lyrical literature in the ritual poems of Persian Constitutional era - a case study of the ritual poems of Malek Osh-Shoarai Bahar. Bahar, one of the most prominent poets of the Constitutional period and the poet laureate of Astan Quds Razavi, had a long career in composing religious poems, especially in lamentation of the Prophet and the infallible Imams. He portrayed the true face of the Holy figures with an imagination full of emotion and feeling, and described them in the mirror of poetry via a lyrical language. The current research is conducted with a descriptive analytical approach using library research method, and seeks to examine the quantity and quality of the features of lyrical literature in the ritual poetry of Malek Osh-Shoarai Bahar in order to show their frequency and prominence. The result of the research shows that the content indicators such as description, pessimistic view of the times, reference to religious holidays and the birth of the Holy figures, etc. in Bahar's poetry originate from the poet's emotion (sorrow and happiness), and have been shown in the rhetorical structure (formal indicators) through simile and metaphor, as well as in the lyrical language of the poems through alliteration and lyrical music. Manuscript profile