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        1 - Bush's Aggressive Foreign Policy and Obama's East Asia Rebalancing Strategy; Tactical Difference or Strategic Similarity
        Mohammad Reza Dehshiri Shayan Jozani Kohan Shahin Jozani Kohan
        Mohammad Reza  Dehshiri[1] Shayan Jozani Kohan[2] Shahin Jozani Kohan[3] Abstract: When Obama came to power, Bush's multilateralism and aggressive foreign policy was converted to a "rebalancing" policy, in which US int­e­r­e­s­t­s were consi More
        Mohammad Reza  Dehshiri[1] Shayan Jozani Kohan[2] Shahin Jozani Kohan[3] Abstract: When Obama came to power, Bush's multilateralism and aggressive foreign policy was converted to a "rebalancing" policy, in which US int­e­r­e­s­t­s were considered more than any other issue. Obama's East Asia reb­al­a­n­c­i­n­g policy was pursued with the aim of redefining interests, threats and political, economic and military strategies. The question of the current paper is how were Bush's "aggressive foreign policy" and "Obama's" reb­al­a­­ncing policy pursued to promote US interests in East Asia? For answering this question, the authors believe that Bush's foreign policy has been pursued by adopting a multilateralism approach focused on resolving the Korean Peninsula’s crisis with the aim of creating consensus in East A­s­ia and co­op­eration with China. While the policy of rebalancing with a multilateralism approach has been pursued and focusing on the prevention of China's economic and military growth with the goal of consensus among the co­u­n­tr­ies aligned with US policies in East Asia. The research method in this pa­pe­r is analytical and descriptive through library resources. Using the theory of offensive realism and the Copenhagen School, this paper seeks to exp­la­i­n and analyze the policies of Bush and Obama in East Asia, to ex­a­m­i­n­e the dif­ferences, commonalities and approaches of each, and the orientation of U­S foreign policy in the East Asian region [1]-Associate Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Inte­rn­at­i­o­n­al Relations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran: Corresponding Author [2]-MA in Regional Studies (East Asia), Faculty of International Relations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran [3]-MA in Regional Studies (West Asia (Middle East) and North Africa), Faculty of International Rela­ti­o­n­s of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Guest Researcher of the Middle East Strategic Studies Research I­nst­itute, Center for Scientific Research and Strategic Studies of the Middle East, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Tehran, Iran   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Resistance (Moqavimat) strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Middle East based on security theoryCopenhagen School (2019-2014)
        Sadegh Shahvarpoor najafabadi حامد محقق نیا فریدون اکبرزاده
        Simultaneously with the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1357 and the establishment of the Islamic Republic, world powers tried to neutralize and stop the Islamic Revolution with various methods from military war to economic sanctions.In this situation, the More
        Simultaneously with the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1357 and the establishment of the Islamic Republic, world powers tried to neutralize and stop the Islamic Revolution with various methods from military war to economic sanctions.In this situation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, in order to maintain its security and life and to spread the discourse of the revolution, started the policy of forming resistance groups in the West Asian region.In this research, an attempt has been made to examine the regional policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the role of resistance groups in them, as well as the relationship between these policies and the Copenhagen security school.The main research question raised here is how to analyze the resistance strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Middle East region with the influence of the Copenhagen school.? Also, the hypothesis is proposed that it seems that the strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the military, economic, political and environmental fields in the Middle East region was formed under the influence of the theory of the Copenhagen school and the ideas of Bari Bozan. Manuscript profile