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    Accounting and Corporate Governance Researches ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal

    The scientific quarterly " Accounting and Corporate Governance Research" with scientific validity was launched  with reference to letter No.57457/5/11/13 dated 2022/12/12 based on the resolution of "the 34th session of the commission for determining the validity of journals in the field of humanities and arts of the Islamic Azad University" dated 2022/03/01.

    About the Journal of Accounting and Corporate Governance Research

    • Country of Publication: Iran
    • Launched:Autumn2022
    • Publisher: Islamic Azad University-Tabriz Branch
    • Printing status: Electronic
    • ISSN: 2022-8888
    • Printing Occasions: Quarterly
    • Access: Free and free download of articles
    • Journal Language: Farsi (English Abstract)
    • Specialty:  Accounting
    • Journal Type: Scientific; Research
    • Type of arbitration: Unnamed arbitration and at least 2 arbitrators
    • Arbitration time: 2 to 4 months
    • Review Time: One week

    This publication reviews the plagiarism. plagiarism

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    Number of Volumes 2
    Number of Issues 5
    Printed Articles 32
    Number of Authors 175
    Article Views 70069
    Article Downloads 29144
    Number of Submitted Articles 83
    Number of Rejected Articles 20
    Number of Accepted Articles 34
    Acceptance 35 %
    Time to Accept(day) 183
    Reviewer Count 35
    Last Update 10/3/2024