Indigenous knowledge related to Gilaki terms of wild plants and trees in Bibalan village
Subject Areas : ecologyGhassem Habibi Bibalani 1 * , Fatemeh Mosazaded SayadMahaleh 2
1 - Department of Natural Resources, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
2 - Graduate of Persian Literature,Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
Keywords: fruit, Plant, Indigenous knowledge, Gilaki, Bibalan,
Abstract :
Indigenous knowledge includes the findings and experiences of different groups of people living in a particular area and how to use different components of nature to solve problems and obstacles in the way of life in different eras. Villagers who have a long time in the use of plants and trees in daily life have great cultural and administrative potential, which have named different parts of plants and trees based on the type of need. In this regard, since Bibalan village is one of the villages near the forest in the east of Gilan province, the divisions of plant and tree components in special categories to separate their uses have special terms, which are accepted by all there are speakers in this area. Data collection in this study was done through interviews and observation through a survey. The results of the study showed that the inhabitants of this region have special divisions and categories for the plants and trees of the region. These names and categories are accepted and usable for all dialects of this region and convey a specific meaning for each name or word used.