Flood and resilience: a review study
Subject Areas : Hydrology, hydraulics, and water transfer buildings
Seyed Saeid Eslamian
Yaser Sabzevari
1 - Water Science and Engineering, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan Iran.
2 - Water Science and Engineering, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan Iran.
Keywords: flood resilience, flood, Risk, flood management,
Abstract :
Flood is one of the biggest problems and natural disasters in the climate of Iran, which has caused a lot of damage for a long time. Flood risk management has been successful in reducing the effects of some flood risks, preventing loss of life during floods and reducing the economic burden of communities and regions after the flood. This is a useful tip for assessing risks and deciding whether to implement a safety assessment. Recently, in addition to flood risk management, flood resilience has been discussed as a new topic in academic literature. This paper aims to explore the relationship between flood risk management and flood resilience. Therefore, three aspects are discussed: the definition of resilience, its measurement methods, as well as the possibility of implementing it in flood risk management. Therefore, in this review study, 38 different researches have been conducted in the field of methods and experiences of dealing with floods and resilience against this natural hazard. The results showed that although non-structural methods in flood control are less than structural methods, but using a combination of structural and non-structural methods for flood control will have the best results.
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