Spatial and temporal trend analysis of discharge and water quality, Case study: Chamriz-Pol Khan reach of Kor river
Subject Areas : Article frome a thesis
هما رزمخواه
Vida Pasandi Pour
Alireza Fararouie
Amin Rostami Ravari
1 - مرودشت
2 - Department of Water Engineering, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
3 - Department of Water Engineering, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
4 - Department of Water Engineering, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
Keywords: Water Quality, discharge, Man-Kendall, Temporal and spatial trend, Statistical distribution,
Abstract :
For evaluation of temporal variation of discharge and its sensitivity to anthropogenic and natural factors, and better understanding of pollution sources, in this study, temporal trend of discharge and water quality of Kor river, for a 46 year, in Chamriz and Pol-Khan stations, were analysed, using Man-Kendall and linear-regression trend analysis. Tatistical distributions fitted to the data, and parameters forecasted in different return-periods, and compared in the stations. River water quality parameters were compared with statndars values. Results showed that Pol-Khan discharge is greater than Chamriz. For 2, 5 and 10 year return-periods, the forecasted discharge of Pol-Khan is greater than Chamriz, but for 20 and 50 Chamriz discharge is more. In Chamriz all of the quality parameters average are in statndards limits. In Pol-Khan TDS and EC are larger than domestic standars, but other parameters are within. Except of EC,others are within standards limits. All of the parametrs in Pol-Khan are greater than Chamriz except PH. Trend analysis showed a decreasing trend of discharge in the both stations, which could be resulted from dought and precipitation decline in recent decades, agricultural area increasing and irregular river water consumption for different purposes. Except PH, all of the parameters forecasted values, , in Pol-Khan are larger than Chamriz.