A comparative study on uterus response of the Miankele peninsula buffalo against the super ovulation caused by HMG and PMSG outside mating season
Subject Areas : Journal of Large Animal Clinical Science Research(JLACSR)
Keywords: Buffalo, PMSG, Ovulation, HMG, ultra sonography,
Abstract :
20 buffaloes qualified for mating were studied in two ten-member groups. On the first day, all the buffaloes were CIDR inserted, each receiving one dose of GnRH then 4 days after CIDR , the first group received HMG for 3 days. The second group, 48 hours before withdraw of cidr, were injected with PMSG. To both groups Ultrasound was administered to study follicular waves, and follicles size after insemination on day 5, and during the estrus phase. In the HMG group, some cystic, as well as ovulated corpus luteum, were observed. The size were studied; while the size of the left and right ovaries along with their functionalities were also compared as presented in the table below. In the HMG group, some cystic, as well as ovulated corpus luteum, were observed. The size were studied while the size of the left and right ovaries along with their functionalities were also compared as presented in the table below. In the PMSG group, at the ovulation stage, most follicles exhibited cystic changes with their walls luteinized which was indicative of inadequate ovarian response to PMSG and insufficient secretion of LH. Such results indicate that at times other than mating season, and following super ovulation by administration of HMG yield better ovarian response as compared to that of PMSG, and as expected the right ovaries in both groups were more active.
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