Echocardiographic study of changes on the Mitral E- point septal separation distance in dog after administration of Propofol
Subject Areas : Journal of Large Animal Clinical Science Research(JLACSR)
Keywords: Dog, Ultrasonography, Propofol, Echocardiography, E point,
Abstract :
One of the primary principles in surgery is suitable and safe anesthesia with minimum side effects. Many drugs are used for this purpose. Propofol is a suitable drug for anesthesia in dogs. This drug, of course, can have effects on some of body parameters, the matter that should be controlled according to the sick subject. In this study, 10 male mixed adult dogs with about 20- 25kg weight were selected. The miteral valve of the dogs was surveyed by ultrasonography machine and their M-mode miteral value echocardiogram was registered. Then the distance of E point to the wall between ventricles was measured. After preparation of M-mode miteral value echocardiography, the animals were anaesthetized by propofol with suggestive dose of 6 mg/kg through vein. M-mode echocardiography changes of miteral valve booked immediately after venous injection until the animal regained its consciousness. Then recorded changes of echocardiograms at especial times were transformed into computer pictures. Also the distance of E point to the septum in the same way was measured. Changes in the distance of E point to septum of M-mode valve echocardiography after and before injection were compared. In this study, the mean of distance in control animal was 5.36 0.23 millimeters and the mean of distance in anaesthetized animals was 6.00 0.20 millimeters which showed significant difference between them (P<0.05). And also this study indicated that Propofol can affect this distance.
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