Application of Synthetic Prostheses in 41 cases of Large Animals with Abdominal Wall Defects (Clinical Report)
Subject Areas : Journal of Large Animal Clinical Science Research(JLACSR)
Keywords: Adhesion, Hernia, Surgical mesh, Synthetic prosthesis, Large animals,
Abstract :
The aim of this manuscript is to report 41cases of herniorrhaphy in large animals with abdominal wall defects and to evaluate their clinical response to application of synthetic prostheses and compare to tension methods and their post abdominal operation complications. Since herniorrhaphy in large animals has a lot of difficulties because of their body weight and capacity and has significant post-operative complications, application of the synthetic prosthesis were noticed by researchers. These prosthesis have a large variety with a lot of advantages and disadvantages. In 9 cases used sepramesh, the visceral adhesion and inflammation were little and the tenacity of healing tissue increased compared to polypropylene. Since 21 cases included 7 foals, 1 stallion and 13 calves, repaired traditionally with common suture methods. Those horses with large hernia ring had a lot of complications such as local discharge, infection and recurrence. In this study the group of tension method comprise with the tension free group. The type of surgical mesh implantation can influence on tenacity of sutured area. These studies elaborate applications of different surgical meshes.
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