A survey of histopathologic changes of intestine due to parasitic worm infestation in native poultry of Urmia area.
Subject Areas : Journal of Large Animal Clinical Science Research(JLACSR)
Keywords: Ascaridia galli, Subulura brumpti, Heterikis Gallinarum, Lymphoplasmocytic, Acantocephalus, Heterophilic, Railletina,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this survey was evaluation of histopathologicchanges occurs during parasitic infestation in native chickens of Urmia area.In this study 20 native chickens selected randomly and all sections ofintestines were extracted after euthanizing. Then parasitic infestations wereexpected in parasitology laboratory and extracted parasites recognized afterfixation. Selected samples from infested area of intestines sent to pathologylaboratory and after fixation in formalin buffer 10% dyed with hematoxillin& Eosin staining method. In 10 infested cases, 6 nematodes and 4 cestodesinfestations were seen that nematodes contain three species, Ascaridia galli,Subulura brumpti and Heterakis gallinarum. In addition 50% of all sampleswere infested. In histopathological examination, 1 case had congestion inserous connective tissue. Infiltration of inflammatory cells in mucosa in all10 cases was found that in 9 cases these cells were mononuclear(lymphoplasmocytic) and in 2 cases were heterophilic. In 3 cases exfoliationof villi cells and in 1 case mucosal congestion in tip of villi was found. Otherfindings includes: necrosis in mucosa in 1 case and hyperplasia of mucosaand fibroses in one other case were found.
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