Clinical comporison between intraosseous and intravenous anesthesia by a combination of ketamin – xylazine in dog
Subject Areas : Journal of Large Animal Clinical Science Research(JLACSR)
Keywords: Dog, anesthesia, Xylazine, Intravenous, Intraosseous, ketamin,
Abstract :
Intraosseous injection of medicines and liquids in emergency cases can be a good alternative for intravenous injection. Because this method more speed than before method and also the efficiency of this method in the various conducted studies in the world has been proved. In this study two group of dogs, each group with 7 number were used and a mixture of ketamin with a dose of 5.5 mg/kg and xylazine with a dose of 1 mg/kg in each group have been used. In one group the intraosseous. Injection and in the other group the intravenous injection. In this survey, there were significant difference in the cases heart rate and respiratory rate. Findings of this study indicated that there was no significant difference between the/anaesthesia/ as a result of intraosseous injection with medicine mixture of ketamin 5% and xylazine 2% and intravenous injection of it.
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