Effects of different levels of perlite on the brush-border Alkaline phosphatase activity of the small intestine of broiler chicks.
Subject Areas : Journal of Large Animal Clinical Science Research(JLACSR)
Keywords: Perlite, alkaline phosphatase, Small intestine and broiler chicks,
Abstract :
An experiment was conducted to study the effects of different levels ofperlite on brush-border Alkaline phosphatase activity of the small intestineof male broilers. The experimental design was arranged as randomizedcomplete bocks in 4 * 2 factorial arrangement of treatment. 180 malebroilers of ross commercial hybrid (Ross 308) was designated into 3 groups(0,2 and 4 %). 3 replicates of 20 birds were assigned to each treatment.Control treatment were fed base diet and treatments with the same base dietplus 2 and 4% perlite.Animals were slaughtered and different segments of smallintestine(at1,10,30,50,70 and 90% of total length the small intestine) weretaken from each replicates (N=2) Alkaline phosphatase activity wasmeasured and recorded. Data were analyzed by SAS. (p < 0.05).Results: As intake of perlite significantly increased alkaline phosphataseactivity at weeks and sites of the small intestine of the broiler chicks(p < 0.05), These data suggested that perlite administration improves fatdigestion and absorption in broiler chicks.As Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme responsible for digestion andabsorption of long chain fatty acid in the small intestine and as the effect ofperlite administration in the diet of broilers on this enzyme had not beeninvestigated the following work had been designed and performed.
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