The first isolation Mycobacterium tuberculosis from goat in Iran
Subject Areas : Journal of Large Animal Clinical Science Research(JLACSR)
Keywords: Tuberculosis, Mycobacterium, Sanandaj, Goat,
Abstract :
In this study 1000 goats were studied with comparative Intradermal tuberculin test in selective sampling method in sanandaj area. In all goats 11 recognized responded positive or suspicious. The reactor goats were slaughter led then carried out sampling of different organs and bacteliogic and histopathologic examination on them. In one of the samples mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from L.g culture media and differentiated by differentiae biochemical test Since this study is the first basic research about diagnostic tuberculosis of small ruminant and isolation M. tuberculosis from goat, therefore it shows that the presence of Tuberculosis at least in goats is expectable in Iran
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