Investigate the effect of 8 week of Pilates correction exercises on cardiorespiratory fitness and working memory capacity of girle students kyphotic aged 12 to 15 years in Kangavar city
Subject Areas : Open Access
Afsaneh Golshanimahd
Kobra Javadifar
1 - master of physical education and sports science, techare of physical education, Kangavare , Kermanshah, Iran
2 - Ph.D of Physical Education and Sports Science, Techare of Physical Education, Kangavare , Kermanshah, Iran
Keywords: Pilates, working memory capacity, Cardiorespiratory fitness, kyphosis,
Abstract :
Introduction: pilates improves spinal condition at an important level of flexibility and strength. the aim of present study was to Investigate the effect of 8 week of Pilates correction exercises on cardiorespiratory fitness and working memory capacity of girle students kyphotic aged 12 to 15 years in Kangavar city in 1400.Metodology: The present study was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design. Twenty-five girle students aged 12 to 15 years with kyphosis were purposefully selected. After eliminating the sick and the final drop, the number of samples reached 15. Students' kyphosis angle was measured with a flexible ruler, cardiorespiratory fitness was measured by a shuttle& run test, and working memory capacity was measured by a computer test. K-S test was used to investigate the normal distribution of data and paired t-test was used to evaluate the changes in research variables at the significance level of α = 0.05 using Spss software, version 16.Results: Based on the results of this study, the means of the three variables; There is a significant difference (p≤0.05) in pretest and posttest memory for working memory capacity (p = 0.000), cardiorespiratory readiness (p = 0.000) and kyphosis angle (p = 0.000). It can be argued that Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading and this improves physiological and cognitive functions.