.A study of the viewpoints of residents of Tehran about cultural environmental advertisements and their priorities
Subject Areas : Urban Sociological StudiesHosseinAli Ghajari 1 * , Mohamadsaleh Hosseinzadeh 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Payam Noor University
2 - Assistan Professor Department of Sociology Emam Hossein University
Keywords: Tehran Municipality, Cultural Advertising, Environmental Cultural Advertising, Cultural Advertising Content, Socio- Economic Class,
Abstract :
In urban sociology, urban culture, in addition to the body of the city, is one of the most important issues to be taken into consideration. Therefore, the promotion of urban culture in cities is one of the basic topics in urban sociology. Given the importance of culture and cultural environmental advertisements and the need to pay attention to citizens' opinions, the present study aimed to examine the level of citizens' satisfaction with and their priorities regarding cultural environmental advertisements. The conceptual framework of the research consisted of a collection of theories concerning the media, culture, and advertisement. The present study was a descriptive survey. The research population consisted of all citizens over 18 years of age in Tehran, of which 1151 individuals from the 22 districts of Tehran were selected using a proportional sampling technique. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. The findings showed the priorities of the residents in order of percentage are as follows: social environmental advertising was 49.5%, economic advertising wa 25.4% and the political advertising was 25.1%. The first priority of Tehrani citizens in terms of social or public culture was: family with 19.8%, In the economic dimension: consumption culture with 25.7% and in the political dimension: system evaluation with 24.4% And the maximum effectiveness of environmental advertising was related to billboards with a mean of 2.35 of 4. Also, there weres no correlations between social class, gender, and place of residence with the level of people's satisfaction with environmental advertising.
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