Sociological study of the role of Structural factors and social learning in Juvenile Delinquency in Tabriz slum areas
Subject Areas : Urban Sociological Studies
صمد رسول زاده اقدم
قاسم جعفری
موسی سعادتی
رحیم یوسفی اقدم
1 - استادیار گروه مطالعات خانواده دانشگاه شهید مدنی آذربایجان
2 - دانشجوی دکتری جامعه شناسی فرهنگی پژوهشکده مطالعات اجتماعی و فرهنگی وزارت علوم تحقیقات و فناوری
3 - دانشجوی دکتری جامعه شناسی مسائل اجتماعی دانشگاه کاشان
4 - دانشجوی دکتری جامعه شناسی فرهنگی دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی
Keywords: social anomie, Delinquency, Structural Factors, social learning, Disorganization, Juvenile,
Abstract :
Adolescents, as the main asset of any society, play an important part in the dynamics, survival, growth and development of its social system. On the other hand, the delinquency of this group can be considered as a serious obstacle in the way of their development and self-actualization. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the structural and social learning factors that are related to the delinquency of the youth in slum areas of the city of Tabriz. The research method used in this study was the survey method. Research population consisted of all 53 866 juveniles who were 14 to 19 years old, of which 320 were selected through purposive sampling. The results showed that juvenile delinquency was not significantly correlated with structural variables of social anomie, social disorganization, age, economic and social status and family structure, but it was significantly related to various dimensions of social learning: positive definitions of religion (R =-0/18), positive definitions of law (R = -0/17), and the chances for achieving positive goals (R = -0/18) reverse, but with neutral definitions of criminal act (301/0 r =), criminal friends (R =0/63), depression (R = 0/14), negative relationships with parents (R = 0/209). The results of the regression analysis showed that of the different dimensions of social learning, delinquency of friends had the greatest impact on juvenile delinquency, and all remaining variables in the model explained 32% of variance of the dependent variable. Furthermore, in structural equation, modeling, it was shown that structural theoretical variables (social anomie and social disorganization) as non-immediate causes of crime can create an atmosphere of social learning and the atmosphere of social learning acts as the immediate cause of crime and deviance.
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