.Body management and the acquisition of modern identity in female citizens, using Grounded Theory approach (Case of study: Gorgani women)
Subject Areas : Urban Sociological StudiesMahbobeh Ilvari. 1 , Afsaneh Edrisi 2 *
1 - Associate Professor Of Social sciences, Faculty Of Humanities ,Islamic Azad Univercity,Thran North Brach
2 - .Associate professor, Department of Sociology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, Corresponding author
Keywords: Body Management, Female citizens, Modern identity acquisition, Vertical social mobility,
Abstract :
.The purpose of this study was to understand the place of media and social networks in the conceptual model of women's body management and the acquisition of modern identity. The research was conducted using qualitative approach, grounded theory method and the paradigmatic model. Data analysis was performed using the continuous comparative method of Strauss and Corbin. Unstructured, in-depth interviews were conducted individually, and the duration of each interview session was between 1-2 hours. 15 interviews were conducted. 67 concepts were formed and 21 categories were created. Interviewees were selected via a snowball sampling method. In this study, triangulation validity was used. The results showed that the modern identity was acquired through exclusion of the adult woman, psychological and mental preoccupations, and compliance with social demands. Factors affecting the acquisition of modern identity were identified as body-dysmorphic-disorder, the desire to reach the era of beauty and dreaming of the ideal body. Advancement of technology, people's encouragement and public acceptance were the intervening conditions and the acquisition of modern identity lead to imitating of media and reference groups and a search for beauty surgeons and hair stylits. The consequences of such actions and responses are addiction and dependency to makeup, showing the vertical mobility of social classes, showing good taste and creativity to others, and the spreading of a culture of consumption.
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