Investigating the factors affecting the formation of environmental citizenship(case study, the topic of non-separation of waste in Mashhad city)
Subject Areas : Urban Sociological Studies
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payam Noor University, Iran
Keywords: environmental citizenship, separation from origin, social order, garbage collection, Mashhad city.,
Abstract :
In the field of environmental citizenship, every citizen must accept his duties and responsibilities. One of the basic responsibilities of citizens is to separate and deliver garbage on time. Because if the citizens do not fulfill their duty, many environmental and social problems will be created, one of the most important of them is environmental pollution and the presence of garbage collectors in the city. This research was done in a descriptive and analytical way and in the form of an integrated approach of value, belief and Stern's norm. Its purpose was to determine the status of environmental citizenship in the field of participation in urban waste management based on the criteria of waste segregation in Mashhad city. To collect data, a questionnaire prepared by the researcher was used. The statistical population was the residents of Mashhad. Based on this, the statistical sample size was estimated to be 385 people. The results of the research showed that environmental citizenship in this city was not formed at least based on the criterion of waste segregation and its timely delivery. Therefore, non-participation in waste separation is related to various factors, some of which include: Negative attitude towards waste, belief in human superiority, weak knowledge and understanding, little collective supervision, avoidance of responsibility, selfishness, inappropriate personal behavior, villa housing, inappropriate access to urban facilities and infrastructure and marginalization. The final analysis showed that the variables included in the model explain almost half of the changes in the dependent variable.
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