An Evaluation of the citizens’ satisfaction with the services provided by the Islamic City Council and Municipality of Saghez (2013-2017)
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
1 - Department of Management, saghez Branch, Islamic Azad University, saghez, Iran
Keywords: Satisfaction, citizens, performance of the Municipalit, Saghez Islamic City Council,
Abstract :
Introduction and Purpose: The citizens’ satisfaction with the services provided by Islamic City Councils and municipalities indicate the comprehensive development of urban affairs as well managers’ effectiveness and efficiency. Undoubtedly, in order to extract the citizens’ satisfaction, different aspects of the performance conducted by the Islamic City Council and Municipality need to be investigated and measured. The present study aims at investigating the citizens’ satisfaction with the performance of the Islamic Council and Municipality of Saghez in terms of different performance aspects at the end of the fourth period of the Islamic Council. Method: The method applied in the present study is a mixed one (survey and descriptive-analytical). The data collection tool was a questionnaire including 55 questions covering three aspects: a. the Islamic Council, urban services and public affairs; b. civil engineering and urban development sectors; c. cultural and social affairs. The statistical population of the present study includes all citizens older than 15 years old. Through applying Cochran’s sample size formula, the sample size of the statistical population was measured to be 381 individuals. The viewpoints of 30 experts on civil engineering and urban development were used for determining the validity of the questionnaire. Moreover, given the Cronbach’s alpha of 0.972, the reliability of the research tool was confirmed as well. Findings: In comparison to the other two aspects, the citizens’ satisfaction with the performance of the Islamic Council and Municipality was appropriate in terms of the urban services. However, the citizens had the least satisfaction with the cultural services and affairs. Conclusion: The findings of the present study indicated that the citizens’ overall satisfaction with the performance of the Islamic Council (fourth period) and Municipality was at a lower average level. Furthermore, the citizens’ satisfaction was above average for 12 aspects of the performance aspects and their satisfaction was at a lower average level in terms of 38 aspects of the performance.
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