Design and Fitting the Model for Managing Startup Businesses in Sports with a Smart City Approach
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studiesvahid rahimi 1 , seyed emad hoseini 2 * , nasrollah mohamadi 3
1 - 1. PHD Student of Sports Management, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
2 - Management of physical education and sports sciences, shahid beheshti University, tehran
3 - 3. Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences and Health, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Model Design, Start-Up Business, sport,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to present a model of startup business management in sports. Therefore, this research is based on the purpose of basic research and has been done in terms of collecting exploratory information using the foundation data theory method. The statistical population included experts, professors, managers, business owners, entrepreneurs, and sports consultants in the sports industry and targeted sampling method with snowball techniques. The collected data were analyzed using open, axial, and selective coding, and the final pattern was extracted. The final model of the total conditions of causal (28 concepts and 2 categories), axial (33 concepts and 2 categories), substrates and fields (21 concepts and 2 categories), strategies (20 concepts and 2 categories), intervention (4 concepts and 1 category), and implications (17 concepts and 2 categories) manage business startup businesses in sport. The Kappa Cohen method was used to measure reliability and quality control. The kappa coefficient was calculated to equal to 0.789, which is located at a valid agreement level. According to the final pattern of research, the role of resources in business maturation is complex and is a function of how effective and effective use in the market ecosystem and company share.
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