Investigating the Effect of Residential Complexes Morphology on Thermal Comfort of Open Space
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
دهناد dehnad
Bagher karimi
Jamal-e-Din Mahdi Nejad
1 - Department of Architecture, Bushehr branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
2 - Department of Architecture, Bushehr branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor in Faculty of Architecture and Urban Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: residential complexes, Thermal Comfort, Physiological Equivalent Tempe, Envi-Met, Rayman,
Abstract :
Introduction & Objective: Recognition of climatic variables affecting the thermal comfort and morphology created in the open spaces of residential complexes made it possible to provide appropriate solutions to increase the quality of open environments. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to study the formal geometry and shape structure of residential complexes on the thermal comfort of open spaces to increase the quality of the ambient and the use of users. Methodology: This research is applied in terms of purpose, and the method is quantitative. Four forms of common types of urban residential complexes in Shiraz have been selected with a linear pattern, regular and irregular complexes, central (environmental) and combined (mixed) and have been studied and analyzed in three short cases of 3-storey, medium-height 6-storey and high-rise 12 floors. Methods: To analyze the data, the simulation has been performed by considering the form and orientations in four different patterns in the current situation and by analyzing the results of the simulation with different geometric forms. And their measurement is done using ENVI-met software. Then, using climatic data in Rayman software, the physiologically equivalent temperature is obtained. Findings and Discussion: The results showed that the form of composite and complex blocks in the short case has a better performance in terms of thermal comfort due to more shading. In the mid-height mode, due to the higher wind speed and shading, and the linear form due to the higher wind speed, they have more favorable conditions in terms of thermal comfort and the least critical hours. In the form of composite and complex blocks in the mid-height state, increasing the height reduces the wind movement in other places and the efficiency of these two forms decreases. In the high-height mode, the peripheral and linear blocks have higher wind speeds and more favorable conditions in thermal comfort due to the elongation of the form. Finally, considering the differences in the morphology of residential complexes, it will affect the amount of thermal comfort and utilization of the environment.
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