Urban Management in Annexed Village into Urban Area (Case study: Islamshahr and Shatareh)
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
نغمه محمدپورلیما
علی نوری کرمانی
علی اکبر رضایی
1 - مسئول مکاتبات
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: Urban Management, urban areas, Rural areas, Islamshahr, Shatareh,
Abstract :
Research Introduction: In the past half a century the effect of rapid urbanization on the structure of space and population have been observed, the ever growing number of cities and the alteration of village centers into scattered urban areas. This alternative has turned over the balance of space distribution of the population which causes massive social harm. accession rural areas to urban areas causes countless urban management problems, considering that when it comes to social, economic and culture element, there is no compatibility in these populated areas. On the other hand lack of unified rules and regelation in urban and rural areas causes fundamental disagreement in managing this areas which in turn will be the cause of difficulties. Existence of these type of difficulties causes problem which effects urban management to perform its duties. Better services could be provided the current and old citizens with accurate planning towards reducing these problems. recently the process of preparation and passing “ the design of urban district of tehran province plan” and the phenomena of accession of rural areas to the urban areas are effecting the cities of this province. So this research by study of Islamshahr, one of the biggest cities of Tehran province try to investigate the role of urban management and offer an effective way to mitigate these conflicts. Method: This study uses analytic and descriptive methods with the help of vast documented studies and field studies such as questionnaire regarding the fundamental research question. The statistical community (officials and experts) in order to test the hypothesis with group sampling method, the researcher has identified official of province and the cities as well as 21 skilled experts, 30 questionnaires have been completed. Results and Conclusion: The results of this study will show urban management has a key role in resolving conflicts incorporation rural into urban areas and urban management with rule-based approach and management based on the law is effective for adjustment or conflicting.