Structural analysis of ten letters of Emad Faqih Kermani according to the structure of "Ra"
Subject Areas :
foruzandeh Edalat kashi
Mahbubeh Mobasheri
1 - Persian language and literature. Faculty of Literature. Al-Zahra University. Tehran. Iran
2 - Persian Language and Literature. Faculty of Literature. Al-Zahra University. Tehran Iran
Keywords: Mystical literature, lyrical literature, Ten letters, Emad Faqih Kermani, "ra" structure,
Abstract :
Ten letters is a literary genre in which the beloved and the beloved discuss their favorite topics in ten letters. The format of this type of literature is Masnavi. It begins in the fifth century with lyrical literature and the subject of love and culminates in the eighth century in mystical literature. The Ten Letters of Emad Faqih Kermani, the mystic poet of the eighth century, is a collection of poetic letters, written in different forms. Letters that he wrote on different days for the people or sultans of the time and the lovers of time and at the end of his life he provided them in a collection and chose the title "Ten Letters" for it.This research aims to provide a descriptive-analytical method first about Emad Faqih Kermani and the ten letters and then to answer the question that the structure of "Ra" in the ten letters of Emad Faqih Kermani with what meanings and how many to Has it been employed? And considering this frequency, what is the structural style of Emad's ten letters? In the end, it is concluded that: out of 657 bits in ten letters, 45 bits have a "ra" structure. 12 cases are used as "objective signs", 23 cases mean "for", 9 cases mean "extra fraction" and 1 case means "to".6.85%, a very small amount, the structure "ra" in ten letters, shows that in the eighth century the use of this structure was low. this is one of the stylistic features of Emad Faqih Kermani's ten letters.
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