Predicting organizational success based on empowering and accepting information technology for the employees of sports departments in Baghdad
Subject Areas : Sport Sciences Quarterly
Abdul Mohiman Fayaz Ahmad Ameri
Alireza zand
1 - Master's degree D-Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - Khorasan Islamic Azad University - Isfahan - Iran
2 - Department of Physical Education - College of Human Sciences. Islamic Azad University of shahre-ث-qodes - Tehran - Iran
Keywords: organizational success, empowerment, acceptance of information technology, sports staff,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to investigate the prediction of organizational success based on the empowerment and acceptance of information technology among the employees of sports departments in Baghdad. . The statistical population of this research was the employees of sports departments in Baghdad. The statistical sample of the research based on correlational research was 120 people who were randomly selected in a stratified manner. The research tools included organizational success questionnaire by Nekui Moghadam et al. (2011), standard employee empowerment questionnaire by Russell et al. (2003) and information technology acceptance questionnaire by Zain et al. (2005). For data analysis, Pearson's correlation test was used to check the relationship between the research variables and statistical regression test was used to predict organizational success. The findings showed that there is a relationship between empowerment and its components with the organizational success of the staff of sports departments in Baghdad (p<0.05). Also, a relationship was observed between the acceptance of information technology and its components with the organizational success of the employees of sports departments in Baghdad. A positive and significant correlation was found between empowerment and acceptance of information technology. Finally, the findings showed that organizational success can be predicted based on empowerment and acceptance of information technology. Therefore, for the success of the organization, it is necessary to provide training courses in general and specialized fields related to empowering the organization's employees at different times under the title of pre-service, in-service and retraining,
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