The relationship between the tendency to use recreational drugs based on self-efficacy and body image with mediating success motivation in The social phenomenon of sport (among bodybuilders)
Subject Areas : Social ResearchesSaeed Shakeri 1 * , Hossein Ebrahimi Moghaddam 2 , Khadijeh Abualmaali 3
1 - PhD student, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University Branche of Rodehen, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author).
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University Branche of Rodehen, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University Branche of Rodehen, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Self-efficacy, Body Image, Keyword: success motivation, Tendency to use recreational drugs,
Abstract :
Aim: The main objective of this study was to explain the Structural Equation Modeling of the relationship between tendency to recreational drugs based on self - efficacy and body image with mediating success motivation in The social phenomenon of sport(among bodybuilders in Tehran). Method: The present study was a type of patterning based on the correlation method according to implementation method and an applied research according to the purpose of research . This research included all athletes of Tehran gymnasiums’ bodybuilders in the year 2018, which 600 sample were randomly selected. The data collection tool was a questionnaire body image (Cash T F, Mikulka P J, Brown ), The Perception of Success Questionnaire (Robert, G. G., Tresure, D. C, 1998), self-efficacy questionnaire (Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem, M, 1981) and tendency to energy-oriented questionnaire (Habibi and et al., 2016). The data analysis method was Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS software and Baron and Kenny method was used to test the intermediate effect. Results: Findings and the results showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between self-efficacy and body image with a tendency to use recreational drugs. There was a positive and significant relationship between the body image with success motivation and there is a negative and significant relationship between self-efficacy and success motivation Conclusion: The results showed that the success motivation was not mediator in the relationship between self-efficacy and body image with the tendency to use recreational drugs, but a direct relationship between self-efficacy and body image with bodybuilders' tendency to use energy drugs.