Sociological analysis of the impact of abnormality on social Apathy
Subject Areas :
Neda Seyedin
Abdolreza adhami
Talieh Khademian
1 - PhD Student of Sociology, Sociological Department, Human Sciences Faculty,
North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor & Faculty Member, Department of Sociology, Human Sciences
Faculty, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Keywords: فردگرایی, بیهنجاری, individualism, بیتفاوتی اجتماعی, Social apathy, meaninglessness, بیمعنایی, Abnormality, بیاعتمادی, mistrust,
Abstract :
In sociological literature, Apathy is often mentioned as a pathological phenomenon,a kind of social disease, an obstacle to participation and development, and one ofthe complications of urbanization in the new era, and it is one of the undesirableelements of modern life, which is a kind of threat to people's desire not to interfere.It refers to affairs and acceptance of responsibility. The aim of this research issociological analysis of the impact of abnormality on social indifference. Thestudied population is the students of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran andNorth Tehran branches, at the time of conducting the research, the total statisticalpopulation equal to , students were studying in these two university units, ofwhich were classified by random sampling method. were studied. The surveymethod used and the tool for data collection is a researcher-made questionnaire.And to test the hypotheses, Pearson's correlation coefficient, linear and multipleregression, T-test independent mean difference test and ANOVA one-way analysis ofvariance test were used. Four dimensions were considered to measure theabnormality variable and the results showed that There is a direct and significantcorrelation between the variables of meaninglessness (r= ), mistrust (r= ),powerlessness (r= ) and individualism (r= ) with social indifference. Inother words, the higher the social abnormality, the higher the social indifferenceamong students.