theoretical introduction to global capitalism as a form of life
Subject Areas :
Amir Razzaghi
Ali Rahmani Firozjah
Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir
1 - Department of sociology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
2 - Department of sociology, Babol branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
3 - Department of sociology, Babol branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
Keywords: global capitalism- , from of life, - global capitalist systems- Review method,
Abstract :
The form of human life is the result of forms, patterns, rules, etc. Man is at the core of the idea of life form.The research topic of this article is about why global capitalism is a form of life.And how global capitalism dominate form of life on people and societies ? To achieve the goal of stating the cause these two questions the theoretical review method has been used.To gather data, Referred to Google, Yahoo, and scientific databases (noormagsin comprehensive portables of humanities, Academia, Britannica, paperhub, etc.) And by using related keywords, she searched for sources, and the found sources were divided into three groups: books, articles, and theses. Among the 109 primary sources found, 45 sources were selected based on criteria.By studying selected sources the, data were extracted, reduced, summarized, conceptualized, categorized and analyzed.The findings state that: Global capitalism at its macro level as a form of life has irreducible forms and patterns. Non-capitalist forms and patterns are rewritten by capitalism and take the form of capitalist forms and patterns.Global capitalism in the form of structured economic, social, cultural-ideological, political and legal spheres has been able to influence all mental and visual affairs of people and societies and dominate a certain form of life over individuals and societies.This form of life is the cause of the continuation of production, distribution, global consumption and earning profit and profit again.