The tendency of women to turn to body management: cultural approaches, causes and challenges: "Study case: women of districts 1 and 17 of Tehran
Subject Areas :
Mariam Vahaab
mehrdad navabakhsh
سروش فتحی
1 -
2 - professor azad university
3 - معاونت دانشجویی دانشگاه آزاد واحد تهران غرب
Keywords: body management, religious beliefs, media consumption, commercial advertising, cultural factors,
Abstract :
This study investigates cultural factors affecting women's approach to body management. It also examines the existing techniques and challenges. The target group of this case study was the women of districts 1 and 17 of Tehran. The research method is a survey. The data was collected using a questionnaire on a sample of 400 respondents selected from the population of regions 1 and 17 with a multi-stage cluster sampling method. The findings showed that the cultural variables of religious beliefs, media consumption, and commercial advertisements (Pvalue ≤ 0.001) are effective in women's approach to body management. Among the pre-intercultural variables, media consumption, commercial advertisements, and religious beliefs are the most influential cultural variables on women's tendency toward body management. It seems that the influential variables also have an increasing effect on our cultural changes in an interaction. They effectively affect various aspects of our lives, including women's attitudes toward body management.
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