Determining the Evolution Level of Logistics Systems in Large Industries
Subject Areas : Business Strategy
Arsalan Kazemi
Habibollah Javanmard
Nazanin Pilevari
1 - Department of Industrial Management, Management and Economic Faculty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Management, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran.
3 - Department of Industrial Management, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
Keywords: Logistics, Component, Process, level, evolution,
Abstract :
To improve the operation level of the companies tailored to industry 4.0 it is necessary to develop logistics system. In order to develop the logistics level, the first step is to measure the growth and evolution of all logistics process. For measuring the evolution and growth of the logistics system (LS), the processes and components of the logistics system and then the evolution level should be determined, at the end their level of evolution should be measured for each firms. The purpose of this paper is to determine the evolution level of the LS in the large industries of Iran. The research method is descriptive - applied and Data were gathered in two steps. First utilizing interviews with logistics experts for identifying the logistics process and components. Second step was data collection by check list in local visits and direct observation in firms. Checklist was completed in group sessions with the help of managers and experts in each firm. Using the mean of the logistics components and degree of adoptive (DOA) technique, evolution of LS was measured in industries. Results shown that firms with heavy products have little progress in the evolution of logistics compared to other firms and also the firms that have automatic production system will growth in logistic evolution better than others especially in intra-logistics and material handling. The method and result of this paper can be seen as a roadmap for managers and organizations and they will plan development and evolution of logistics processes.
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