Anatomical and histological study of esophagus and crop in muscovy duck (Cairina moschata)
Subject Areas :
Jalil Pourhaji
Sayyed Rashid Hashemi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Garmsar, Iran
2 - PhD, Lecturer in Anatomy and Embryology, Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Garmsar, Iran.
Received: 2019-02-13
Accepted : 2020-07-20
Published : 2020-03-20
Muscovy duck,
Abstract :
Introduction: Esophagus for foodstuffs transfer, Crop for food storage are important organs in avian digestive system. Ducks habitat is more in water and they have many varieties species. There is no anatomical and histological research performed on esophagus and crop in muscovy duck, so this research was done. Material and methods: For this research 20 male and female muscovy duck)for anatomical study) were selected and esophagus and crop were studied anatomically. Then histological study on esophagus and crop was done with haematoxylin and eosin staining. Results: Anatomical results showed cervical esophagus was longer than thorasis esophagus. Crop was small and spindle shape. There are also longitudinal chains in lumen. Esophagus and the crop in male are larger than female. Histological results showed epithelium of the esophagus is stratified squamous. The lamina propria was thick and has many mucous glands. In Below of mucosal glands observed of A thick layer of lamina muscularis. It was consisted of smooth muscle. Epithelium of crop was stratified squamous keratinized epithelium. Conclusion: The esophagus and crop were similar in two sexes, and there is no significant anatomical and histological differences between the sexes. The average length and width of esophagus and crop in males are larger than females. This difference is significant in crop length.
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Bailey TA, Mensah- Brown EP, Samour JH, Naldo J, Lawrence P, Gamer A. Comparative morphology of the alimentary tract and its glandular derivatives of captive bustards. J. Anat. 1997; 191(3): 387-398.
Fatahian Dehkordi R, Parchami, A. Study of the effect of sex and area on the histomorphometric structure esophagus in native avian. Iranian Veterinary Journal. 2010; 6(3): 12-18.
Hassan SA, Moussa EA. Gross and microscopic studies on the stomach of somestic suck (anas platyrhynchos) and somes-tic pigeon (columba livia domestica). J. Vet. Anat. 2012; 5(2): 105-127.
King AS, Mc Lelland J. Birds their strucure and function. Bailliere Tindall, London, 1984: 121- 130.
Klem JR, Brancato CR, Catalano JF, Huzmin FC. Gross morphology and general histology and omnivorous species of birds. Acta. Biol. Acsd. Sci. Hung.1976;27: 135-145.
Mitchell FC. A contribution to the anatomy of the Hoatzin (Opisthacomus cristatus). Proc. Zool.Sot, London, 1896: 618-628.
Mot M. Morphological Aspects of digestive apparatus to owl (ASIO FLAMMEUS) and falco cherrug (BUTEO BUTEO). Ucrari stiintifice medicina veterinara. 2011; XLIV(2): 192.
Mot M. Morphological aspects of digestive appartus partridge and dove. Lucrari stiinifice medicina veterinary. 2009; XLII(2) :338-340.
Nabipour A, Raji AR, Basami MR, Babazade M. A comparative study on the histological and histochemical fetures of esophagus in ostrich chick. Journal of Veterinary -Research. 2009; 64(4): 297-300.
Nickel R, Schummer A. Anatomy of the domestic birds. Verla Paul Parey, Berlin, 1977: 85- 94.
Pousty I, Adib Moradi M. Comparative Histology and Histotechnique. (6th ed.), Tehran University Publications, Tehran, Iran, (2006).
Pourhaji Motab J, Hashemi SR. Anatomical study in proximal part of alimentary tract in Guinea fowl. Quartery Journal of Veterinary Histobiology. 2018; 6(2): 11-20.
Rezaian M. Avian Histology. (1st ed.), Tehran University Publications, Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Rezaian M. A Text Atlas of Veterinary Histology. (1st ed.), Tehran University Publications, Tehran, Iran, 1998.
Rossi JR, Baraldi SM, Oliveira AD. Morphology of glandular stomach (ventriculus glandularis) and muscular stomach (ventriculus muscularis) of the partrigde rhynchotus rufescens. Ciên. Rur. 2005; 35(6): 1319-1324.
Saadat nouri M. Identification and Classification of ducks in iran. Journal of Fasrm.1983; 2:11-15.
Sagsoz H, Liman N. Structure of the oesophagus and morphometric, histochemical- immunohistochemical profiles of the oesophageal gland during the post-hatching period of japanese quails. Anat. Histol. Embryol. 2009; 38(5): 330–340.
Szczepanczyk E, Kalisinska E. Morphometrry of esophagus and gut in bean goose anser fabalis. Zoology polonia. 2000; 45: 37-46.
Wu B, Li L, Yu X. Winter diet and digestive tract of the Golden Pheasant in the Qinling Mountains, China. Chinese Birds. 2009;1(1): 45–50.
Yovchev D, Dimitrov R, Kostov D, Vladova D. Age morphometry of some internal organs in common pheasant. (phasianus colchicus colchicus). Tra. J. Sci. 2012; 10(3): 48-52.