Performing Social Responsibility andIts Reporting Method in the Iranian Banks
Subject Areas : Ethics and accounting
Yaser Sadeghi
Reza GholamiJamkarani
1 - PhD., Student, Accounting Department, Qom branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Banks, Social Responsibility, Business Transaction, Reporting,
Abstract :
Social and environmental responsibility is inflicted with arbitrary behavior in the Iranian banks because reporting them is optional and there is not a single standard to reassure accountancy services and confirm those reports. The present research relies on content analysis, and the data is collected by library study, electronic (email) or face-to-face interviews. The results showed that pivot categories related to the social responsibility of banks include performing social responsibility through their business transactions as well as special attention to social and environmental issues. Moreover, pivot categories related to reporting the social responsibility of banks involve reporting their undertaken social responsibility, reassuring and supervisory services referring to their reports, reforming accountability and transparency procedures, and maintaining moral values. The results indicate the significant importance of performing the banks' responsibility simultaneously with their business transactions and that using these methods can decrease their economic costs. As for reporting social responsibility of the banks, we refer to their effective use of physical facilities available in their branches with the least economic cost to reflect their social and environmental activities as well as the need for the establishment of supervisory institutions to ensure the performance of the social responsibilities.
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