The role of self-efficacy, perfectionism and negative metacognitive beliefs in predicting academic procrastination in psychology students of Kerman Azad University
Subject Areas :
Malihe Nekooie
میترا کامیابی
najmeh Hajipour Abaeie
anahita bahreinizadeh
1 - Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, َ Unit, Kerman, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.
2 - گروه مشاوره و روانشناسی،دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، کرمان،ایران
3 - Full time faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch
4 - Educational Sciences, Literature and Humanities, Kerman Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Academic procrastination, Self-Efficacy, Perfectionism, Negative metacognitive beliefs,
Abstract :
Procrastination has many negative consequences both on physical and mental health and on people's ability to achieve goals. The present study was conducted with the aim of predicting academic procrastination based on self-efficacy, perfectionism and negative metacognitive beliefs in male and female psychology students of Kerman Azad University. The research method was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population consisted of 560 psychology students of Kerman Azad University, and the statistical sample was considered to be 227 people using the Karjesi and Morgan table, who were investigated by simple random sampling. To collect data, the academic procrastination scales of Sowari et al. (2018), metacognitive beliefs MCQ30 Wells and Cartwright (2004), perfectionism Hill et al. (2004) and general self-efficacy GSE-17 Scherer and Maddox (1982) were used. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. Pearson correlation results showed that academic procrastination has a negative and significant relationship with self-efficacy and perfectionism, and a positive and significant relationship with negative metacognitive beliefs (P<0.01). The results of multiple regression analysis showed that 38% of the variance of academic procrastination is explained based on the variables included in the model. Self-efficacy negatively and significantly and negative metacognitive beliefs positively and significantly predict academic procrastination, so academic procrastination is explained based on self-efficacy variables and metacognitive beliefs. The results of the present study can help therapists and educators in enriching knowledge in the field of learners and preparing an intervention program and implementing a training workshop for students in the field of improving procrastination, increasing self-efficacy, modifying metacognitive beliefs and adjusting perfectionism in order to reduce negative psychological effects.
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