Industrial Spatial Planning In Province Of Ghazvin
Subject Areas : GeopoliticSaba Rezasoltani 1 * , Seyed Masoud Monavvari 2 * , Maryam Rafati 3 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: GIS, Industrial Spatial Planning, Ecological Capability Evaluati, BOOLEAN, Ghazvin Province,
Abstract :
Proper industrial sitting for preventing probable environmental constraints and alsosustainable and deserve use of whole land facilities is an important concept that manyIranian organizations are nowadays interested in.As a matter of fact industrial spatial planning can be considered as a giant leap inenvironment and industrial development in the country and correct and logical growthof city and rural areas. With respect to these objectives and removing the concentrationof industries in Tehran, industrial site selection in province of Ghazvin has been doneby systematical analysis method, based on Boolean Algebra in the 1:250000 scale,using map overlaying method.So environmental resources were studied, analyzed, classified in 2 categories:Ecologic and Social-Economic, then measuring the ecological capacity of the land wasdone after overlaying the layers in GIS. As a result after removing areas in whichindustrial plantation was prohibited, 2 areas with the capacity of 1 and 11 areas withthe capacity of 2 were selected.At last, prioritizing of the sites was done in a quantitative way by considering socioeconomicalcharacteristics in GIS. finally sites with priority of 1 up to 4 wererecognized. As a result industrial development with respect to environmental and socioeconomical criteria can be done in these areas. The proposal of locating industries inthe industrial estates and eco industrial parks will give rise to the environmentalconservation concepts.