Analysis and investigation of landslide hazard zoning using of hierarchical analysis and artificial neural network models in the southern foothills of the Alborz (Tajrish of Tehran)
Subject Areas : GeopoliticMohsen Ranjbar 1 * , Asal Fadak 2 *
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Keywords: Landslide zonation, AHP, ANN,
Abstract :
In this research, by review of previous works and field works, the Nine factors identifiedeffective factors in landslide hazard and used for analysis risk by GIS software. the occurredland slides in the study area were gathered and rectified by GPS. These Nine maps werecrossed with the occurred landslide map and Landslides amounts and their areas werecomputed in each class. After determining the rate of each factor (element), land slidezonation was performed in GIS by artificial neural network and AHP Models. The efficiencyof output results of models was assessed by DR and QS indices. The results of DR indexshowed The map was produced using a neural network than maps produced using the analytichierarchy higher accuracy for the study area.