Analysis of gullies morphometery in Salavat Abad-Bijar area, Kordestan province
Subject Areas : GeopoliticREza Esmaili 1 * , Ronak Shokati 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: gully erosion, morphometry, water erasion, Bijar, Salavatabad,
Abstract :
One of the most important resources of every country is soil. Today, its erosion and producingdeposit is a difficult that is increasing progressively and causes to lose surface soil of slope,sediment accumulation in reservoirs, sedimentation in channels and enormous damage to theeconomy. In this research the gullies of region Salavat Abad-Bijar was studied. Dimension ofgullies was studied by using field surveys.The parameters of width, depth, the ratio of width todepth, the channel angel and the parameters of gully shape obtained the cross-sections wereestimated. Then these data was clustered by SPSS software and analyzed by the effectiveness ofeach variable in clusters by variance analysis and used mann-whitney U for assessing differenceof each variable with litology. Among of parameters, slope and depth of gullyhave a significantdifference with litology. According to this clustering the gullies is divided into three clusters.The results of test show homogeneity that among the different factors, only slope has beeneffective in the gullies of region and the reminded parameters has not been effectiveness as thedirect factor on gullies, therefore we concludes in the region studied, the morphometric indexescannot interfere in clustering as an effective factor. Also, it was surveyed the difference amongthe numbers of gullies in this span under study along with the factors of the amplitude shape,land use, the sensitive level to gullies, slope and the direction of amplitude by using KruskalwallisH test.The results of this test showed that there is a significant difference among thenumber of gullies with the mentioned factors in the meaningful level of 0.05.