Crime agaist Tourists in Tourism Destinations Case Study:Tehran Metropolise
Subject Areas : GeopoliticAzita Rajabi 1 * , Marzieh Khanmohammadi 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Security, Tourism security, Terrorism, Crime against tourists, Security
, incidents, Security instability,
Abstract :
Tourism is a very delicate and sensitive industry especially in relation with safetyand security matters in different national,regional and international levels. Every kindof security incidents such as :crime against tourists ,war,riots and terrorism will causeirrecoverable damage to the industry.Control and providing the security of tourists and prevention of crime againstthem,not only boots their reliability but also by reducing their concerns for providingtheir physical and financial security,make them enjoy their trip and travel further.Tehran city includes one forth of urban population of the country (the mainpopulation centers) and arrival and departure place of the most incoming tourists toIran, so it is playing the main role in managing tourism destinations in the country.Therfore, security incidents and crime agaist tourists can destroy tourism industry inseveral occasions.The goal of this article is surveying security issues and crime against tourists intourism destinations.The methods of this research is descriptive- analystic and the aimis practical. the results and findings of the research shows that social andenvironmental security in Tehran city is not in proper level ,and like many othermetropolises the crime rate is high. therefore, Tehran city is not in a proper securitysituation for developing tourism industry at present time.So it seems some extrememeasures should be taken to improve tourism industry in the under study city.