An Examination of The Rosgen Classification System Efficiency Case Study . Classification of Babol and Talar rivers on the Caspian coastal plain zone
Subject Areas : GeopoliticM.M Hosseinzadeh 1 * , رضا Esmaeili 2 * , صدرالدین Motevali 3 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: Rosgen classification system, stream type, coastal plain, Babol and Talar
, Rivers,
Abstract :
Rivers ranges widely, in channel form, and in their degree of dynamism. A wide rangeof geomorphic river classification schemes have been proposed since the late 19thcentury, reflecting the variety of environmental settings. In this paper, using withRosgen classification system and based on geomorphic variables includingentrenchment, gradient, width/depth ratio, sinuosity and channel material sizeexamined for Babol and Talar rivers in the Caspian coastal plain zone. In this riversrecognized in two major groups (D and F) along the longitudinal gradient of river. TheD type streams have braided pattern and flow on the alluvial fans and the F typestreams have meander pattern and flow on the coastal plain. Also, this research showsthat substituting predictions from a classification system for real fluvial investigationscould lead to counterproductive management schemes.