Infill development at urban texture worn (case: Khani Abad neighborhood)
Subject Areas : GeopoliticOmehani Banihashemi 1 * , Rahim Sarvar 2 * , Yousefali Ziyari 3 *
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Keywords: redevelopment, infill development, analysis of development capaci, urban Texture worn, KhaniAbad neighborhood,
Abstract :
For many years, urban centers encounter complex problems such as premature aging, brown lands and reducing safety and have always engaged thinking professionals, urban planners and policy makers. One theory that has received much attention in recent years is infill development. in short, this approach proceeds to development in inside of area and redevelopment in area by using of its inner potential The aim of this study is investigation and evaluation of infill development plans in old textures and introduction of lands and textures with high potential for implementing infill development. In this study by using of the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) we achieve prioritizing and ranking of urban blocks which represent the areas with the highest potential of infill development in the neighborhood. most of mallar pumices are fall but most of reyenah pumices are flow. .volume of lahar is more in reyenah.