Social Justice and Spatiale equity; An investignation and theoritical comparing of John Rowls and David Harvey
Subject Areas : Geopoliticحسین Hataminezhad 1 * , عمران Rasti 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Social Justice, spatial equity, distributive justice, original position, veil
, of ignorance, liberalism, equality of opportunity, freedom, Need, merit, public profit, Inequality,
Abstract :
The Justice as a popular and interested concept has been among a few conceptsthat are already debated by philosophers and social economic elites and there havebeen various theories about social justice. John Rawls is one of the famous politicalphilosophers in 20th century and David Harvey is most outstanding geographer insecond half of 20th century too. They have many philosophic approaches and articlesabout social Justice and spatial equity. This paper is going to investigate justiceconcept from point of their views and represent their common and differentiationviews.