Examination and analysis of urban distribution and Spatial organization of Qazvin Province
Subject Areas : Geopolitic
رمضانعلی Shoormig
منصور Badrifar
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Spatial organization, Urban distribution, Growth pole, Alborz industrial
, city,
Abstract :
In this research it will be tried to assign the relationship between the decisionmaking system , and social, economic policies with the existing structure and spatialorganization.We also want to know what the effect of building Alborz Industrial city –as aleader of growth pole-will be on the urban distribution and spatial organization gettingof Qazvin Province, Selecting the city of Qazvin with Alborz Industrial city sa ine ofthe active industrial poles of the country has caused an imbalance from the structuraland physical aspect of the province; and special effort has been made in this researchto examine the existing imbalance in the province along the time, while using currentpatterns and models in district planning.At last some solutions-suitable to economic , social and ecological conditions ofQazvin province- to modify and decrease this imbalance are offered.It has been clarified that the spatial organization getting of Qazvin Province divided into three eras. 1)The superiority of traditional economical system 2)conversion oftraditional in to modern one 3)The estabh3 hment era.In this research it will be tried to examine the spatial organization getting ofaazvin province along the time through Fredman's model and rmperfect balance of thespatial –rgoruzation getting of Qazvin province through Fredman's model has beenproved.The analysis of spatial organization getting in the district level has been dealt withusing the follpwing concepts:Anthropy models , contrality criteria, hierarchy and penetrating area, place andfeature coefficient , etc.In this research poularization of Qazvin in the urban hierarchical system of area ,imbalance in urban pyramid of the city , shortages of towns and medium sized cities inurban system and --- spatial organization getting has been agreedon,Moreouer , foundation of grouth pole of Alborz Industrial zone as the total reasonfor modification in spatial organization getting in establishment era has been proved.