Spatial analysis of the impact of the climate on the military equipments in Iran
Subject Areas : Geopoliticمحمود Ahmadi 1 * , بهلول Alikhani 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Military equipments, Climate and military activitie, Iran, Climate of
, Iran,
Abstract :
Climate affects all military activities specially military sites and equipments. Thisresearch is undergone to analyse the impact of the climate on the military equipmentsin Iran. For this purpose the daily climatic elements were obtained for 117 weatherstations during 1982-2004 period. The daily temperature, relative humidity, rainfalland wind were analysed according to the climatic thresholds of the major militarymaterials. The weather elements variations over the country were weighted accordingAHP model. Finally the stations were grouped according to their suitability formilitary equipments into three good, moderate, and weak regions. Stations such asMinab showed highest rate of suitability of 98 % and stations such as Jusk showed thelowest suitability rate of 66%.