Study on Outcomes of spatial relocation of the earthquake Stricken in Roodbar county”
Subject Areas : Geopolitic
Shahab Nobakht Haghighi
Hossein Asayesh
Alireza Estelaji
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: Rural Resettlement, Rural Merging, Rural Organizing, Geographical
, Space, Geographical Place,
Abstract :
This study have been designed to address the socio-economic, ecologic andstructural outcomes of spatial relocation of some villages in roodbar county ,after theearthquake of year 1990, and also the positive and negative effects of relocation andmerging of those villages.The results of data analysis show that the personal specifications of the samples ofthis study including their age and the number of their family members affect theirattitude toward relocation .it has also been found that relocation. It has also been foundthat relocation has made changes in socio-economic, ecologic and structuralspecification of the samples of this study. in fact, most of the samples of this studywere pleased about relocation, despite of the results of the samples of this study werepleased about relocation, despite of the results of previous related studies whichemphasized unsuccessful experiences of relocations and merging of villages in socioeconomic,ecologic and structural condition of community which has been occurreddue to the spatial relocation of the villages.Regarding the unsuccessful previous experiences of relocations or merging ofvillages, such activities should only be done in highly needed situations, withacquiring participation of target communities and providing secure socio-economic,ecologic and structural condition. In other word, success of spatial relocation projectsdepends on providing the appropriate socio-economic, ecologic and structuralcondition for the target communities.